The Problem and How We Solved It

The problem with other phone bumpers and cases on the market is that they are bulky, unattractive, made out of cheap plastic, and completely cover up the stunning design of our Apple iPhones. We didn't want to use any of these inferior cases, nor did we want to live in constant fear of damaged phones and shattered screens.

We wanted a better option and looked everywhere, unsuccessfully, for an iPhone bumper case that we actually wanted to put on our device. We wanted to maintain the slim, sleek, and sexy look and feel of our phone without compromising on protection. Then we realized that millions of the other iPhone 6/6s series users were begging for the same thing.

So how did we solve this problem? We ran a successful Kickstarter campaign raising $178,820 from 4,686 backers. Then we spent 18 months designing, engineering, and manufacturing a patented TPU and aluminum bumper case.

What we finally ended up with is a bumper that is absolutely worthy of protecting our beloved iPhone. One that is so seamless in look and feel that it’s almost as if your phone is naked.